Friday, March 23, 2012

Truvía® Natural Sweetener Product Review

Wow this stuff is not like what I expected.  Originally, I was thinking Truvia was going to be like another splenda but no, it taste just like sugar.  It's pretty sweet for not having any calories.   It's really easy to use with anything you want to sweeten.  It dissolves easily into any drink, even cold drinks.  It doesn't sink all the way to the bottom with cold drink and you don't have to melt it with hot water.  I made fresh lemonade with it and felt great about making it sweet.  I know how much calories sugar can add to that drink.  So, to have fresh lemonade sweet and all be calorie free was fantastic.

I would definitely suggest this to people trying to cut out a lot of calories but have that craving for sweet sugary things like me.   As a big girl myself the last thing I should be doing is adding extra calories to my diet.  I feel like Truvia is going to help cut out excess calories that I would of gotten from regular sugar.  The fact that its the first natural, great tasting, zero calorie sweetener is a bonus for me.

Be sure to check them out.  Here is their link to find out more about truvia

I received this product complimentary to test through Influenster’s VoxBox program

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Plus Size Clothing Price Increases

I hate how hard it is to find cute plus size clothing that won't cost you an arm and leg.  I'm going to apologize in advance if I come of sounding whiny and or upset.  I just need to vent because lately it seems that if you're plus size you have to pay a high price to dress yourself.

I remember when I first started shopping at Torrid how happy and excited I was to shop there only to be really dissapointed in the amount of clothes I could actually afford.   I was so desperate to buy clothes at Torrid I got a job working there only to receive the employee discount.   But then I realized I was spending my entire checks there to shop. 

Then forever21 finally came out with their own plus size line, I was literally jumping for joy because now I too can buy cute affordable clothes that fit me.  But then lately it seems that they too have increased their prices.  Seriously, what's going on now?